When I made my first post on this little bloggity blog back on August 22, 2007 (almost 2 months before I was even engaged!) there was no Snippet & Ink (September 2007), EAD Weddings (Oct 2007), the Bride's Cafe (October 2007), Green Wedding Shoes (Oct 2008) or 100 Layer Cake (Feb 2009). I know what you’re thinking…how in the world was one to ever plan a wedding without those blogs?!!? Back then I was (and still am) inspired by Classic Bride, An Excited Bride , Weddingbee and Style Me Pretty and I slowly began to plan our wedding day and document as much of the planning process as I could.
The wedding came and went and is now a lovely memory that I keep smiling back on. It would not have been as delightful if it had not been for the comments, ideas and inspiration left by readers like you and the copious amounts of pictures drawn from photographers blogs that helped form our vision thought the journey. After the wedding I pondered what would become of this little blog of mine. I didn’t really yet know the answer, so I kept plugging along and updating frequently with wedding things that caught my eye or made me swoon. And now, after 586 posts, I am once again pondering what will become of this little blog of mine.
I saw this quote on the {wonderful} A Practical Wedding a while ago and I think that it is most appropriate for this post of mine, "Every one of us is called upon, probably many times, to start a new life. A frightening diagnosis, a marriage, a move, the loss of a job... And onward full tilt we go, pitched and wrecked and absurdly resolute, driven in spite of everything to make good on a new shore. To be hopeful, to embrace one possibility after another - that is surly the basic instinct... Crying out: High tide! Time to move out into the glorious debris. Time to take this life for what it is." - Barbara Kingsolver, High Tide in Tucson

p.s. you can still catch me over at Penned & Pretty where I will continue to grow my blooming little calligraphy business and post as often on my calligraphy projects, favorite wedding invitations and other beautiful wedding paper goods.
p.p.s. perhaps a personal blog is in the works? would you read?!
photos by: adrienne beth photography . love them.
The Bride's Cafe actually started Oct 31, 2007!
Good luck going forward & with Penned & Pretty.
thanks for the heads up KGD! not sure how that mix-up occurred! thanks!!
Good luck in all your adventures! A personal blog would be fabulous!
don't go ;) your blog was the first wedding blog I ever came across and I loved reading your journey. thank you for all the inspiration. good luck on your new adventures. I would totally read your personal blog, you are such a good writer!
i feel like i'm in the same spot... thanks for sharing! and i would definitely follow your personal blog!
It is SO sad to think of you discontinuing your blog posts here, but I totally understand and will be following along on Penned and Pretty. And I vote yes to the personal blog! Also, we need to get together and catch up soon! :)
Jessica - We would definitely read your thoughts on stuff non-wedding! I planned a dreamy wedding this year with your help and collection of inspirations, and we all know that life moves on. FYI - your blog was offered to me from a DG, who found it from another DG, etc. Your time and energy really "Did good!" ITB.
thank you for that quote- you have NO idea how I needed to see that right now....I wish you all the best and I am now a follower so I will be happy to to read your few and far between posts!!
Oh my...totally understand and cannot express how much I appreciated reading that profound quote. While planning my wedding a and losing my FAB paying job in 2008, it was a lot to deal with. Not to mention moving back to Indy, my homestate after so many years away and trying to start a new life. There are always lessons to be learned, but your little blog gave me so many tips and insights into making my wedding a smashing success. Wish you much luck and will miss your daily posts But like that the porch light may stay on...ha ha.
i have loved following your blog over the past two years... seeing you marry and grow... you are a wonderful person and i'm lucky to count you as a friend!
Your blog has brought a lot of inspiration to others (including me!) so I will continue to read/follow even if you aren't posting as often :) Best of luck with the calligraphy shop! A personal blog would be great...
LOVE that picture!
Sad to see you sort of go, but you know I already follow Penned & Pretty! Loved reading your story (and actually happened to find Stephanie via your blog - small world)!
a personal blog would be lovely :) i didn't know wedding blogs... or really all the detailed personal blogs with followers, existed until you, so really you're to blame for the hours i've wasted online over the past few years :)
i agree to the personal blog! i do it more for myself as a type of journal& i love looking back as i'm sure you have over the past few years you've been wedding blogging!
beautiful pictures!
Hi, Jessica!
I'm sorry that I'm so late to comment. I was so sad to hear that you're ending. But I totally get it. I'm hanging on by a thread myself.
I'll be sad to not read your posts. I had you filed in my "virtual friends" folder. :(
See you on P&P,
Sad to see it end. I remember when you told me you started the blog... seems like yesterday and all the wedding planning is far far behind us. We need to get together soon so whenever work slows down give us a call!
I would totally read your personal blog.
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