So unless you live under a rock, I feel as though you should have seen the "trend" of the colored wedding shoes. If you haven't, just read my post here. Let's just have a little chat about this "trend," shall we? I am personally a fan, as evidenced in the photo below.
I love my plum shoes more than any other bridal white shoes I found during the process of planning our wedding. They added a splash of color and an adorable detail, in my opinion. But there is a little piece of me that is secretly hoping that I don't look back on the picture above in 40 years and think to myself, "why in the world did I wear colored shoes on my wedding day!?". And then there is the dreaded point in time that I might have to tell my daughter "oh, but that was the trend/style back when we got married. everyone was wearing colored shoes!" after she flips through our wedding photos giggling about what in the world I did/wore on our wedding day.
And so, to go along with yesterdays wonderful
post, let's partake in a little poll {located at the top right of the blog}. Have you/did you wear a colored shoe on your wedding day?
1. Love{d} the colored shoes. It's all about the details, baby.
2. Went with white.
3. Colored shoes weren't a trend when I tied the knot
If you would like, leave a little comment about your thoughts on this trend. Do you think it will stick around? Do you think it's overdone? Do people give you odd looks when you tell them that your wedding shoes were not/will not be white {i got those looks all the time}?!
A pretty picture {that you should save in your inspiration folder} by
jonathan canalas to end this post.