Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pinkie Swear

Dear Bloggity Blog Friends,
I haven't forgotten about all of you or this little bloggity blog. Pinkie swear, once life returns to normal and decides to pass at a slower pace that I will be back to blogging. Don't you worry, I have been stockpiling inspiration like it's my job {I wish it was} and I'll even be sharing a couple more images and details from our wedding that I forgot to blog about! Be back soon! xoxo Jessica Lynn
What would a post be without a pretty picture?! A very relaxed bride and groom {love her dress!} via jasmine star.
P.S. For any of you that follow me over at my little calligraphy shop, Penned & Pretty, new pictures are coming of our recent work!


LauraAnn said...

So pretty!!!!

Kristal said...

Can't wait to see more pics from your stunning wedding!!! Your bouquet is the inspiration for mine!

P.S. - Go check out my blog...there's a present waiting for you!

Julia said...

lovely pic! hope you're enjoying some time out!