Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Poll: Rehearsal Dinner Invitations

Although she doesn't know it, Molly from these little moments is the inspiration behind today's post and poll! (If you haven't checked out her blog, you NEED to. It is a must read!)

Molly's post today contained a snippet about rehearsal dinner invitations that got me thinking about whether or not rehearsal dinner invitations are really necessary.
My thoughts: Necessary:

1. If you're having a wedding where guests are going to come into town the night before, it is customary to invite them to the rehearsal dinner, along with your bridal party and parents. Those out-of-town guests will need to know the info below in #2.

2. The dinner location is quite a hike from the rehearsal venue. If your bridal party is not familiar with the area, sending an invitation ahead of time with necessary directions (to hotel, rehearsal site, dinner location, etc) would be helpful and appreciated.

3. Traditionally the Groom's parents host the rehearsal dinner. If mom-to-be wants to spring for the invitations then it's your lucky day! Send them out, because who can resist a charming piece of mail, like the one above from bird and banner?!

My thoughts: Unnecessary:

1. When you have amazing communication skills and full intend on making everyone aware of the plans for the rehearsal and dinner well in advance through other means (e-mail, newsletter, evite, etc).

2. When the thought of licking another envelope, attempting to find a stamp to correlate with your invitation design, etc. is enough to make you go crazy....then a rehearsal dinner invitation is not necessary.

What do you think? Are you going to send our rehearsal dinner invitations?! Vote now!

{Total votes: 42. yes 11, sometimes/it depends 24, not necessary 7.}


Linda said...

I'm going to send invites (FI's folks aren't involved) but I was planning on sending evites which would be easier for me. And my group's pretty websavvy.

N. said...

My future mother-in-law is sending them out this week! She is in graphic design, so I lucked out in that, not only does she want to send them, she wants to make them!

Anonymous said...

Yay I'm an inspiration! :) Here's my thoughts behind it -- my FIL is hosting the rehearsal dinner and since we're only inviting specific people, I didn't want to include info in the regular invitiations (her idea, not mine.)

An evite might work but I'm thinking just doing a simple invite on paper from Michael's or something--nothing fancy. Just a way to let them know that we personally want them to be there.

Linda said...

I wanted to send invites... In fact I got all the way to doing all the calligraphy on the envelopes and hit a road block about where the dinner was going to be (fickle restaurant people say one thing, do another and then go back to plan A...ugh). By the time it rolled around to finally send them out, I threw my hands up and said screw it. Everyone invited already knew the details! It's something nice to do but totally not necessary!

Jessica said...

I would like to do this but unfortunately FI's mother doesn't really understand why (even if we're paying for the invites). She's a bit of a road block with a lot of things though so it's to be expected.

tina said...

I was a reader at a wedding in 2006 and didn't receive an invite. I e-mailed the bride a few weeks before the wedding to ask about my reading and that's how I found out about the rehearsal. The other reader and I didn't know what time to be where and ended up being displaced en route to dinner.

A Windy City Wedding said...

Would it be ok to put the rehearsal dinner invite along with the regular invitation for those that are invited? It would save a stamp and that way they would know all at once what they needed to be present for? Thats what I was thinking...